Erasmus in Lisbon was an incredible chapter of my life that will forever hold a special place in my heart. The experience was amazing but the journey was anything but simple. It was hard, stepping into a completely new world, finding where I belong in a foreign environment and facing loneliness. But I wouldn’t change a thing. The friends I had on the way, the thrill of learning new cultures, exploring unknown streets kept my spirit alive. I cried, I laughed and I lived every part of the city.
Living in Lisbon was an education. Witnessing the metropolitan lifestyle, travelling across the continent made me curious about life. I saw the ups and downs of living. Being abroad made me tougher, it showed me many challenges and solutions too. It is something I cherish even now.
By the end of my stay, I felt more at home in Lisbon, a place that once felt foreign but that I had now come to understand and love deeply. I still keep in touch with friends I made there, people who shared this life-changing experience with me.
Naturally, living in a country where the language and way of life differ brought unique challenges. Navigating daily life, often in broken Portuguese or English, gave me new perspectives on my own culture and empathy for foreigners facing similar struggles. I even found myself re-evaluating Turkey’s ease and complexities through the lens of an outsider. In a way, Lisbon helped me rediscover Turkey, its strengths and often-overlooked beauties.
Looking back, I feel Lisbon and my Erasmus experience left a lasting mark on me. The lessons, memories, and connections I gained continue to shape my view of the world, offering me a broader perspective and a deeper appreciation for life’s hidden beauties. I believe now more than ever that every worthwhile experience has its challenges, and sometimes, the most beautiful things are only revealed to those willing to seek them out.
Elif Saltık
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